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Monday, September 20, 2010

The MOM Movement

I am in the middle of a personal crisis regarding my weight.  Up to the age of 40 I never weighed more than 120 pounds.  At that time 120 pounds was fat to me.  I usually hovered around 115 and was a very happy camper.  However, when I turned 40, I became very ill and spent a total of 3 weeks in the hospital on I.V. steroids and then 3 months of oral steroids.  Needless to say, after that I looked like a balloon.  I knew it was bad the day I went to see my mom at the nursing home and was greeted with "Wow you got fat!"

Well, that was 9 years ago and I have struggled like all American women with putting it on and taking it off.  Most people who look at me believe I am overreacting to my problem.  But after years of fitting into size 4 clothes, size 12 is not cool.  I managed to get down to 115 again a few years ago and did great but food became my enemy once again. 

My husband is involved in politics which means that we are out quite often.  This practice of hob nobbing means food and wine are readily available wherever we go.  People do not take no for an answer.  They insist on feeding us or hydrating us.  The problem with that is I may as well take that food, paste it on my thighs and call it a day.  Forget my liver, I may need a transplant at the rate it is going. 

Today I have decided that 147 is too much.  I need to drop at least 17 pounds and preferably 25 pounds.  I am realistic.  I am now 49 years old and cannot pass as a kid any longer but I do need to take care of myself if I plan to make it to 79. 

So if I tell you I do not want another drink, or a salad is just fine, or that I really do not want the chocolate, please understand that I probably do want it but really don't need it.  I don't want to offend you, I am only trying to do what is right for me and my family.  I need to get motivated and exercise.  I must get out of this chair so my joints don't whine so much when I move to do things.

Thank you for all the food offers but I will be trying to eat healthier and exercise a bit more.  If you care to join me please post.  Maybe we can start a movement.  Who knows, we can call it the MOM movement (Middle-aged Overweight Mothers).  Catchy huh????  Let me know if you want to join me!!!!